Felix Hewitson
Legal Volunteer

Felix Hewitson

Felix is a Legal Advisor and Researcher tackling ESG, sustainability, and climate change issues

Felix is a dedicated legal professional with over two years’ experience in New Zealand, specializing in commercial, employment, and land law. His passion for environmental sustainability has led him to focus his career on in-house sustainability and environmental law, emphasizing climate change and net-zero transitions. At FFA, Felix applies his legal acumen to advocate for policy reform and combat environmental misinformation.

Now based in Freiburg, Germany, Felix continues to champion environmental causes. When he's not advancing FFA’s mission, he indulges in outdoor activities, explores second-hand markets, and experiments with multi-cultural plant-based cooking. His lifestyle and professional endeavors reflect a deep commitment to advocating for a healthier planet.

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Felix Hewitson

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The Freedom Food Alliance