Alice Oven MA, MSc
Senior Editor Life Sciences & Veterinary Medicine books, Taylor & Francis. Author of 'The Clean Pet Food Revolution'

Alice Oven MA, MSc

Day to day, Alice works in academic publishing at Taylor & Francis Publishing, commissioning Life Science and Veterinary books under the CRC Press science imprint for professionals and students. She is also an author with an MSc in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law; as well as writing and blogging about animal ethics on her website, she wrote The Clean Pet Food Revolution: How Better Pet Food Will Change The World, a book aimed at dog and cat guardians interested in alternative proteins for their pets.

Day to day, Alice works in academic publishing at Taylor & Francis Publishing, commissioning Life Science and Veterinary books under the CRC Press science imprint for professionals and students. She is also an author with an MSc in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law; as well as writing and blogging about animal ethics on her website, she wrote The Clean Pet Food Revolution: How Better Pet Food Will Change The World, a book aimed at dog and cat guardians interested in alternative proteins for their pets. Alice has written regularly for THE PACK, a dog food start-up creating healthy, plant-based pet food and, recently, the world's first cultivated meat dog treat. For those interested in this novel protein, Alice's paper in PLOS ONE journal explores pet owner attitudes to feeding cultivated meat to cats and dogs.

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Alice Oven MA, MSc

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