Together, we can change the food system by fighting misinformation and empowering consumers.
Your Seedling support helps us retain and grow the team.
Your Seedling support helps us retain and grow the team.
Your Sapling support helps us tackle more misinformation.
Your Sapling support helps us tackle more misinformation.
In addition to Sapling support, Grow support helps us build the alliance.
In addition to Sapling support, Grow support helps us build the alliance.
Your Seedling support helps us retain and grow the team.
Your Seedling support helps us retain and grow the team.
Your Sapling support helps us tackle more misinformation.
Your Sapling support helps us tackle more misinformation.
In addition to Sapling support, Grow support helps us build the alliance.
In addition to Sapling support, Grow support helps us build the alliance.
As a global for-impact organization organization, it is our responsibility to make sure your investment in us maximizes impact generation.
As an organization that is building a transparent food system, we must also be transparent about our funding sources. We are supported by generous individual donors, grants, and our own service offerings with partner organizations with the same mission.
We are also very transparent here. We allocate about 60% of our resources to pay our hard-working staff. The remaining funds are allocated across operations costs, project costs, and a small reserve fund. The operational and project costs include technology, design, and administrative costs.
We follow an internal framework that helps us prioritize our initiatives based on the impact they generate. Our ultimate goal is to increase food awareness and education among consumers, and we focus on reporting the worst cases of misinformation that affect the most people.
Our environmental impact is a top priority for us as a global organization. To reduce our carbon footprint, we endeavor to work remotely as much as possible, minimize our travel requirements, and serve only climate-compatible dishes at our events and workshops.