Billie Kugelman

Billie Kugelman

Billie is a political organiser and open source analyst

Billie Kugelman is a political organiser and open source analyst with an interest in mass communication and the law.

In working with the Freedom Food Alliance, his central goal is to see journalists, lobbyists, politicians, and industry leaders held accountable for spreading disinformation about how our food is made, and what its impacts are on health and the environment. At present, he is tracking relevant instances of disinformation in Oceania.

He is also preoccupied with the growing number of social media bot accounts which have been programmed to spread disinformation about plant-based, eco-conscious diets. When he’s AFK, Billie is out in the bush surrounding Australia’s capital city - hiking, swimming, frolicking etc. - or reading several books at once.

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Billie Kugelman

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